17th International Research Training Seminar in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

A Research Training Course for Junior Investigators in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
MARCH 03-08, 2024 - ROME, ITALY

Foundation Child is pleased to announce the 17th Training Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for young researchers in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychiatry.

The aim of the course is to provide a high-quality intensive training experience on relevant elements of clinical science (e.g., diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the most important childhood psychiatric disorders) and research (e.g., designing a research project, research methods, principles of statistics, writing and presenting scientific work). In addition, the course provides individual and small group tutorials, as well as networking and other valuable educational activities that will enhance the education of junior investigators.

The five-day seminar will include lectures and interactive sessions conducted by an international panel of highly qualified faculty with recognized expertise in their respective fields. The seminar will take place in a peaceful and stimulating environment chosen to facilitate this unique training experience.

The aim of the Training Seminar

The International Training Seminar in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research brings together junior researchers and experts to build skills and exchange scientific knowledge related to research and academic career development in child and adolescent psychiatry.

Since 2000, the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Training Seminar has been providing an excellent training experience for junior faculty and advanced trainees who are committed to pursue academic careers. Trainees from more than 40 countries have traveled to the seminar to acquire new skills and begin to build a collegial network to help sustain their careers with some trainees returning later to serve as faculty in the seminar.

Bring your Research to a next level

In recent years, there has been enormous and rapid progress in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry research and practice. This has been fueled by advances in developmental neuroscience and genetics.Major achievements also include the introduction of new and refined diagnostic tools as well as new therapeutic and preventive approaches to developmental psychopathology.

The Research Training Seminar explores much of this progress directly and from examination of specific disorders, ranging from neurodevelopmental and eating disorders to mood and anxiety disorders, as well as urgent issues related to complex interactions with environmental factors, including violence and trauma. Given the scale and complexity of developmental psychopathology, the International Research Training seminar curriculum takes a multidimensional and multi-disciplinary approach.

Towards International Training Seminar 2024 Edition

From Sunday 3 March to Friday 8 March 2024, students will meet in Rome in Villa Aurelia (Via Leone XIII, 459 not far from the Vatican City) to study and be exposed to a broad range of topics related to child and adolescent psychiatry, covering on the one hand diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of major child psychiatric disorders, and research techniques on the other.

The Training Seminar will be five full days of lectures and workshops. Not only is there an intensive didactic curriculum but there is ample time for networking, tutoring and mentoring by a distinguished international faculty.

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Further Informations

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us on info@fondazionechild.it or segreteria@fondazionechild.it